Blog: Privacy

      New media affects the society in the negative way. There is a huge problem with security, hacking and fraud. Nowadays security agencies have access to people's personal accounts. Which makes the privacy almost compromised. Personal data and privacy can easily be hacked and shared through the Internet. Automatic face recognition can lead to the theft of personality, because it shares your private information to a large amount of users. Social media network should limit the function of face recognition to some extent or use it only in special cases, not on daily basis. Social networks must pay attention to how they use photos and bio-metric data because there is nothing more personal or susceptible to identification than a person’s face and private information. Nowadays a lot of security agencies have an access to people personal accounts, which makes the privacy very suspicious. Social media often store, share and copy all the personal information you enter without your knowledge of it. For example, your information can be sold to advertising firms, sociologists, researchers or criminal groups. 


  1. I never thought of automatic face recognition stealing your data. I always thought that it was a good thing used for security because the iPhone X uses the feature to lock/open phones. It is very interesting how something can be used for security can also steal your identity.


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