Blog about Twitter

    A Tweeter discussion is similar to a BlackBoard Discussion. Discussion boards are used to create a “thread” or “topic” where participants in the board can post replies or start threads on new topics. You use text to state your point of view and to share your thoughts with classmates. When students participate in an online discussion forum they are not talking to a person with a face but rather a screen, in some cases typing words on a keyboard beneath or next to words that someone else has typed. It is a fast and convenient way to communicate with each other. It guarantees that all students are able to participate. This makes the discussion more democratic. You can share your opinion with confidence and everyone will see it.  

    In-class discussion is different. In addition to directing the message, you have a visual experience: sound of voice (volume, sonority, roughness, inflection), posture, dress, inflection, tempo, feeling, style. Online you are looking at a screen (phone, tablet, laptop, desktop), reading the words of the online discussion rather than looking at a person and hearing words. This screened experience of educational typing and reading is entirely different from the in real life talking and listening of classroom discussions.  It is true that in a one-on-one  in real life interaction, a person would focus their attention on a single object, would be more focused. On the other hand, class discussion can be challenging when you have a large class and only a few students who seem prepared to speak. Too often students are allowed to silently sit and watch while their classmates control the discussion. But there is a way to ensure that all students do get involved in a class conversation and take the pressure off having to actually speak out loud. Consider using Twitter or BlackBoard Discussion to ensure that all voices get heard. 


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