
Social Media has revolutionized the way we consume news, communicate with friends, and interact with brands.Social media has become a part of our daily life. Social networks have become accessible by almost all out digital devices including computers, mobile phones, tablet devices, and wearable technology such as Google glasses and the Apple watch. 
     Technologies are fast changing, so we should always be one step in front of them. That's why new media fosters creativity. When you make videos on YouTube or write in your blog, you want to see changes from year to year. You make the best you can to "grow" and become better in new media. As I read in the paper YouTube Traffic Characterization: A View From the Edge: "With the rise of Web 2.0 technologies on the Web, there is a need to understand their workload patterns, in order to plan, design, and build more efficient delivery infrastructures".
    Also, media helps you to explore new ideas and inspirations. In the old days, we used to search in huge library of books to learn about specific design style. Design and visual arts are part of the most favorable media shared on social networks. It provides for the growth of ideas from the creations of blogs, podcasts, videos and gaming sites.
    But, as with anything that can become addictive, social media addiction can quickly derail all of our creativity and productivity. The important thing is to find a balance.

Phillipa Gill, Martin Arlitt, Zongpeng Li, Anirban Mahanti, YouTube Traffic Characterization: A View From the Edge, HPL-2007-119, July 12, 2007, pp 1-15.


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