Blog Social networking

    Social media technologies have changed the lives of many people. Just look at Facebook or Twitter popularity and you will realize that the social networking connects human consciousness. You can share ideas and knowledge in words, images and with the virtual face to face technologies. Knowledge transfer is so quick. It is transforming humanity deeply at the personal and business levels. 
    Social networks can add value to almost any business. Consumer goods companies could increase their margins using social technologies through goods that better meet customers needs and improve the productivity of knowledge workers. As I read in the article by Miller: "Twitter is also a tool for businesses to reach customers and monitor what their customers are saying about them". With nearly half of the world’s population using social media platforms, they’re a natural place to reach new and highly targeted potential customers.
    Blog Social networks have become hubs that transform nearly every aspect of modern life—from reading news to sharing vacation photos to finding a new job—into a social experience. They influence our lives. As James Stewart wrote:"The average person globally now spends 50 minutes a day with Facebook". The  main advantage of the social media is connectivity. People from anywhere can connect with anyone regardless of the location and religion.Social media has a lot of benefits for the students and teachers. You can educate yourself for free or you can ask for help from others.
    However, on the other hand social networking has also affected the society in the negative way. There is a huge problem with security, hacking and fraud. Now a day’s security agencies have access to people personal accounts. Which makes the privacy almost compromised. Personal data and privacy can easily be hacked and shared on the Internet. Which can make the loss to personal life. In the article Who Cares About Facebook Privacy? Students Do the authors state: "Our data show that far from being nonchalant and unconcerned about privacy matters, the majority of young adult users of Facebook are engaged with managing their privacy settings on the site at least to some extent". Social media technologies can evolve to artificial intelligence and augmented reality, so we will be able to touch and feel anything we want.


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